We all love the sun. Its brightness rings us hope of better days ahead. However, the sun can reak havoc on your eyes. How can you protect the health of your eyes in the coming months?
-Protect your eyes from the sun’s damaging rays by wearing sunglasses that provide”100% UV protection.” Also, wear a visor or a broad-rimmer hat to add protection. The sun can cause damage to both the surface of your eyes as well as the delicate retina that lines the back of the eyes.
-The sun can also aggravate a dry eye. Dry eye disease is the most common reason patients come to see me complaining of a foreign body feeling in their eyes as well as burning or other feeling of irritation. Wearing sunglasses helps this condition. Patients are also advised to use artificial tears, preferably without preservatives. These are sold over the counter. Sometimes, you have to try different brands to see which helps your symptoms the most.
Finally, as we all get ready for summer we think about getting healthy by eating well and exercising. Nothing is more detrimental to your health than smoking. This increases your risk of progression of cataracts,macular degeneration and dry eyes. So, now is the time to stop smoking!
Visit Drs Fell and Brookner, MDs for a comprehensive eye exam to ensure that your eyes are healthy.